
Design Management Class Team Project

Branding, Website, Package, Poster, Leaflet, 2017

OECD국가 중에서 노인빈곤율이 가장 심각한 한국. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위한 하나의 방책으로 '소로소로'라는 가상의 도시락 브랜드를 디자인했다.

The elderly poverty rate in Korea is four times higher than the average among OECD countries. Due to the lack of awareness of retirement measures, insufficient social security system, and the absence of interest between the generations, about half of Korean seniors fall into the low-income bracket after retirement. In this social phenomenon, Soro-soro helps seniors become more independent and connect older and younger generations with a social lunch box business model.
Soro-soro hires retired seniors in producing and selling lunch boxes. What is particularly unique about Soro-soro is in the lunch box package. The lunch box package contains the stories of seniors who are selected every month to induce the young generation, the primary consumers of lunch boxes, to become interested in the seniors’ situation. The brand also provides a platform for one-on-one support. The core of the project is to solve senior poverty problems and strengthen intergenerational solidarity.
Soro-soro won the Semifinalist in the Commercial-Print / Graphic / Illustration part of the 2017 Adobe Design Achievement Awards.